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Chaim’s Love Song – Tickets Now On Sale

We are down to the last week of our second season (in association with redfox3) Constellations, which has received amazing feedback and reviews. With great seats left, don’t miss out on your last chance to see this play at 1812.

Our third production for the year – Chaim’s Love Long is well into rehearsals, the actors are polishing up on their lines and the set is well on its way to completion.
With a story that will keep with you long after you leave the theatre, Chaim’s Love Song is not to be missed.

Why not make a night of it? With great discounts at some local eateries just for showing your 1812 ticket, it’s sure to please – especially with the complimentary light supper provided during the production.

About the production:

Chaim Shotsky, a retired mailman in Brooklyn, is an American Tevye who tells his life story to Kelly Burke from Iowa.  His exotic tale is rich with vitality.  His friends include a philosophical baker, a Holocaust survivor with many secrets, his son and daughter, a matchmaker to end all matchmakers, movie star pigeons and a host of Israelis.

Chaim’s life story takes us on a journey to discover what and who are valuable in life.

The play starts with Kelly Burke, a displaced Iowan, sitting on a park bench writing in her journal.  But Kelly has settled in the park to which Chaim Shotsky comes everyday to feed his feathered friends.  Eventually, through stories and memories, Chaim brings Kelly into his world.  Once she is there, Chaim leads her to explore the important questions about life, love and the stories we all have to tell.

Showing in The Lowe Auditorium – 17th May to 9th June, 2018

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