‘Board Shorts’ and The Youth Theatre’s ‘The Crucible’ Next Up at 1812

With our Season Three Production of Beyond Reasonable Doubt wrapped up, we now look towards our Season Four production of Last of the Summer Wine.

We have two other great productions coming up before that, though.

Board Shorts – Our Short Play Festival

Our annual Short Play Festival ‘Board Shorts’ is back, providing ten unique ten-minute plays that are sure to each take you on their own journey and entertain.

For all the details and to book visit here.

All tickets are $15 each.  Showing 29th June to 1st July.

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The Crucible – Centrestage Youth Theatre

Our Youth Theatre is also back with their second production for the year with The Crucible. Sporting one of our largest Youth Theatre casts, they have made this production their own and are sure to provide a great night of entertainment.

It’s already that popular they have had to add another week!

Check our their Facebook page for the actor bios and behind the scenes pics, and click here for more info to get your tickets.

All tickets are $15 each.  Showing 11th to 22nd of July.

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